
Reviews for Your Personalised Calendar

I like how it helps you to plan large life or work events around your lucky, energetic days etc. 

For the card readings monthly I love those so much. It is u believable how meaningful and spot on they are. It’s like Ayami knows what I’m thinking and feeling so well. Soo helpful. Thank you!! You are like my guiding guardian Angel ❤️❤️❤️ 

Helen: 40s, Female, In England

Ordered: Calendar + add-on


I love this calender, that is personalised what more can I ask? I definitely recommended to everyone to get their own calendar and enjoy all the details 

S.F: 30s,Female, In NL 

Ordered: Calendar + add-on






Ordered: Calendar + add-on


Ayami has a great energy 基本的にすべてポジティブなアドバイスなので、前向きになれて良かった! 

H.B:40s,Female, Japan

Ordered: Calendar + add-on






Y.I: 30s,Female, Japan



Additional comments is comming soon☆

Reviews for Distance healing session



☆:40s,Female, In NL

 Distance Healing 


The Full-moon healing session was amazing! I felt really peaceful and calm energy and I was  able to have a great night of sleep. 

G.C:30s,Female,In USA

Distance healing session and quick card reading message 


I really appreciated the distance healing and card reading message. Thank you so much, Aya! It helped me to set intentions for myself, and to reflect on where I am in my life currently. It helped me to connect with the elements and with myself. It was motivating to know that Aya was supporting me in this through the session and reading. 

Kristina: 30s,Female, In NL

Distance healing session and quick card reading message 


I felt very relaxed and uplifted.  

☆:40s,Female, In Ireland

Distance healing session and quick card reading message 




A.H:30s,Female,In Japan

Distance healing session and quick card reading message 


It can help to lighten your energy.. helps you focus on shifting and being open to an energy shift.. it’s a great focusing event. 

Helen: 40s,Female, In England

Distance healing session and quick card reading message 
